
Press & Content Creator Application

Who Qualifies

MagicCon: Las Vegas Press and Content Creator registration is open for journalists and creators who regularly make editorial and social media contributions. Editorial press includes writers, reporters, reviewers, producers, photographers, videographers, etc. who are attending specifically to write about MagicCon: Las Vegas or cover the event for internet sites, newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. Content creators include social media personalities who regularly develop Magic: The Gathering  content for their social platform audiences.

Press and Content Creator Badges

MagicCon: Las Vegas Press and Content Creator badges are extended as a courtesy of MagicCon. These badge types provide complimentary access to MagicCon: Las Vegas for all three days of the event. Press and Content Creator badges grant you access to all panels and live events but cannot guarantee you seating.

A Press or Content Creator badge DOES NOT:

  • Grant early or special access into MagicCon: Las Vegas
  • Give the ability to cut lines
  • Include free access into any events requiring an additional ticket
  • Grant early access or extra opportunities to purchase exclusive merchandise, On-Demand events, ticketed play events, or autographing sessions
  • For Press, grant you reimbursements for any tickets already purchased prior to receiving acceptance of a badge

Creator Applications are due
March 16, 2025

Press Applications are due 
May 16, 2025


Due to demand, submitting an application does not guarantee a badge for the show. Applicants will be notified after the application deadline. If approved, additional information will be provided in your confirmation email and receipt. Every individual applying for a MagicCon: Las Vegas Press and Creator badge may only apply once, however, each member of a group should apply individually with a unique email address.

Press and Creator badges are non-transferable and non-resellable. Any individuals caught selling their Press and Creator badge will be disqualified from attending future MagicCon events. This is non-negotiable.

MagicCon Creator Badge FAQ

We want to offer all ranges of Magic: The Gathering creators the opportunity to attend a MagicCon event in a city they are most passionate and excited to attend.

Filling out the application as clearly and effectively as possible helps us to better understand where you are in your Magic: The Gathering creator journey, your intentions for attending, and ensures Wizards of the Coast is providing opportunities for members of the community who create Magic: The Gathering content to attend.

If you are part of a creator group, please connect with each member of your group to ensure each member applies to receive their own Creator badge. If members of your group do not apply under the same group name, we cannot guarantee they will receive a Creator badge to attend with your group.

If you cannot fill out the form effectively, it will be difficult to be considered to receive a Creator badge. Please make sure links are not broken, metrics are reflective of what is featured on your channel, and you share clear and concise details that allow to more quickly provide confirmation that you will receive a Creator badge based on availability.

Though show activations will not be featuring D&D content, we encourage these creators to apply to attend the show and bring their unique perspective to MagicCon events.

If you have purchased a badge for yourself prior to receiving your Creator badge confirmation, you may email [email protected] to receive a refund.

We cannot refund badges for those who did not receive a Creator badge confirmation.

If you purchased badges for others to attend who are non-creators and were not approved for the Creator badge, we cannot provide a refund for those badges.

You may use this email template to expedite the response time to confirm your Creator badge refund:

Hi, my name is [insert legal name] and my creator name is [insert creator name/handle]. I received a Creator badge and I am looking to get a refund for my previously purchased ticket. I purchased my ticket under the email [insert email].

If you purchased badges for your whole creator group: I purchased badges for the following creators who have been approved to receive a Creator badge: [list out everyone’s full names and creator names/handles they used in their Creator badge application that was approved]

If your badge was purchased by someone else, please email [email protected] with the following information:

Hi, my name is [Insert legal name] and my creator name is [insert creator name/handle]. I received a Creator badge and I am looking to get a refund for my previously purchased ticket. My [relationship], [insert full name] purchased my MagicCon ticket from the email [insert the relation’s email].

We cannot refund badges for non-creators who did not receive a Creator badge.

Creator badges do not cover onsite play events and we cannot refund any tickets purchased for play events if you received a Creator badge.

Purchased events are attached to the email you used to register, not your badge. If you receive a refund for your badge after claiming your Creator badge, you do not need to do anything to transfer your tournaments. Please keep your Purchase Confirmation emails as proof of purchase. 

Creator badges do not cover onsite play events and we cannot refund any tickets purchased for play events if you received a Creator badge.

Purchased events are attached to the email you used to register, not your badge. If you receive a refund for your badge after claiming your Creator badge, you do not need to do anything to transfer your tournaments. Please keep your Purchase Confirmation emails as proof of purchase. 

Creator badges do not cover onsite play events and we cannot refund any tickets purchased for play events if you received a Creator badge.

Purchased events are attached to the email you used to register, not your badge. If you receive a refund for your badge after claiming your Creator badge, you do not need to do anything to transfer your tournaments. Please keep your Purchase Confirmation emails as proof of purchase. 

No, you do not lose access to your paid play event tickets. Those tickets are separate from your Creator badge.

Yes, your Creator badge provides only you Command Zone access.

We cannot guarantee each event will have available stock to provide you to pass out to attendees and fans. If you are interested in doing surprise and delights, please email [email protected] with the subject line Request: Surprise & Delight MagicCon [City]

If you are a creator capturing content for your social media or web channels you do not need special permission. If you are filming other content, such as a documentary, please email to [email protected] submit your request to explore show permissions.

There is not a VIP party assigned to the Creator badge.