Creator Central

Welcome to Creator Central!

This interactive, fan-favorite section of the show floor brings you face-to-face with your favorite MTG Content Creators. Take in a Spectacle Play event! Come meet and greet personalities you know and love at the Creator Play area while you check out their unique playstyles, formats, and live games! Pick up a MagicCon Passport and make some memories as we’re all reminded that the Gathering is the Magic.

There’s so much to do at Creator Central

Creator Meet & Greets

Crack a pack with Rebell. Grab a signature from ZBexx, or talk deck tech with Z. Each day, we’ll have new guest appearances, so make sure not to miss meeting your favorite creators! You can view the schedule to better plan your show experience! 

Creator Game Tables

Have you ever wanted to play a game with Veggie Wagon? Check out Tappy Toe Claw’s cosplays up close? Sit down for a spell with Anna Margaret? Our Creators will be playing games in this area all weekend! Stop by and check out some of their favorite decks, and perhaps even get a game in yourself!

Spectacle Play Events

Looking for something a little bit different? The Creator Central Spectacle Play area will feature five unique events that showcase all there is to love about Magic: The Gathering with an added burst of chaos and creativity! From a Murder Mystery game to a Commander Event influenced by the audience, you never know what you’re going to see! 

MagicCon Passports

MagicCon Passports will be available all weekend, alongside a full manifest of what stamps you can snag at MagicCon: Las Vegas!

Not sure what the MagicCon Passport is?